Oct 21, 2010

Fall Project: Microgreens

At YellowTree Farm, we're always thinking of ways to remain productive during the colder months.  Late last summer, we decided our cold-weather project this year should be growing microgreens.  

Microgreens are a tiny form of edible greens produced from the seeds of vegetables, herbs or other plants.  They're used in a variety of ways, including as salad components and as garnishes.  Microgreens can have surprisingly intense flavors considering their diminutive size, making them perfect as a flavor accent.

Their tiny size makes them nutrient-dense - all the energy it takes to grow from seed to full-size vegetable is packed inside these tiny greens.   Microgreens are often higher in protein, phyto-chemicals, vitamins and minerals than their full-size veggie counterparts.  

We offer them to chefs in custom blends.  The varieties we grow include:  arugula, beet, brocooli, carrot, Chinese heading mustard, chrystanthemum shungiku, collard greens, fennel, fenugreek, leeks, mizuna, onion, pac choi, purple kohlrabi, radish, red mustard, red Swiss chard, tatsoi, and Tokyo bekana.  Keep an eye out for our microgreens at your local restaurant.  


  1. Pretty cool. I've grown micro greens for my chefs. Super delicious. Not on your scale though, impressive.
    Where did you find the info on nutrients?

  2. Hi! I just read your article in the P-D and was excited to learn about your farm. My husband and I grow a large garden in the backyard of our home on the Hill in the city. It is all vegetables for now, but we have been thinking of adding chickens and fruit next year. Our next door neighbor also has a pretty good sized garden, so together we are two yards of paradise that are home to many types of birds and other life. :)

  3. I have a foraging question. Do you know the laws that come with foraging? Is it ok to take from public parks, etc? I find morels on my mom's property but I was hoping to forage other places, too.
