Sep 20, 2011

Listen Up

"Life isn't about [making money].  It shouldn't be about that."
In case you missed it last Friday, Justin was featured during a segment on KWMU's "Cityscape" program.  Collaborating with Sauce Magazine, Cityscape aired a story on urban farming in St. Louis. Producers caught up with Justin to get his take on what caused him to become passionate about urban farming as a way of life.  

If you missed the segment, listen to it here:  Justin's part begins around the 03:37 minute mark.

Sep 16, 2011

Back to the Start

For those of you not familiar with this video yet, several weeks ago the popular food chain Chipotle uploaded a video of Willie Nelson covering Coldplay's "The Scientist," with computer animation accompanying the song.

Don't view it as just a commercial for Chipotle, however.  The company commissioned the video to emphasize the importance of developing a sustainable food system, and I think it hits its target spot-on.  Willie's cover of the song is haunting, as is the narrative of the cartoon, and yeah, I'll admit that it made my eyes well up a little.

As long-time supporter's of Farm Aid (Willie Nelson's other project), we're happy to see Willie Nelson supporting Chipotle's endeavor to highlight the importance of sustainable agriculture.

Sep 6, 2011

It's Been a Long Time, We Shouldn't Have Left You...

We can't believe it's been almost four months since we last wrote a blog post! Spring turned into summer, and summer produced some crazy hot, hot temperatures, and what else can we say? We've been working tremendously hard these last few months out in the fields, at the markets, and around town.

Now for a brief little recap:
You might already know that our grow space at our homestead in Affton is around 1/10 of an acre. While it's surprising to see the bounty such a small space can produce, we started searching earlier this year for ways we could acquire more land on which to grow more crops. Our search ended once we met Virgil and his wife, Margaret – farmers in nearby Fenton, Missouri (St. Louis County) whose property spans 500 acres in the middle of subdivisions and strip malls.  

We've been renting a few acres from Virgil and Margaret, and if you follow us on Twitter or Facebook, you might have already seen photos of what our plot looks like and the transformation its undergone while in our care. 
(keep reading...)